Cold Weather Work Gloves, 3 Features You Must Have

Cold Weather Work Gloves, 3 Features You Must Have

When it comes to working in the cold winter weather, there are three key features that your gloves should have. These are features that will help you make it through these frigid months comfortably and with adequate protection for your job as well as against the element.
The first feature you should add to your list is a liner.
A liner is meant to add an extra layer that will keep your hands nice and warm. The main ways a liner helps your hands to stay warm is by keeping water and cold out and keeping body heat in.
A liner could be insulating or moisture wicking. Water repellent liners are particularly valuable when working in slushy conditions, while a moisture wicking liner will help keep hands warm and dry in all environments. A polypropylene glove liner will do an excellent job of wicking moisture away from your hands.
The second feature you should keep an eye out for is water repellence.
Sometimes it is difficult to find an entire glove that is made of water repellent material, so a great option is to wear your glove with a water repellant liner. This will be beneficial for you if you regularly work in wet wintry conditions. The only downside to a waterproof or water repellant glove liner is that it will not wick moisture away from you, thus sweat will remain trapped inside of your glove. So, here’s a tip: purchase a water repellant liner as well as a moisture wicking liner so that you are able to switch liners depending on the task and environment.
The final feature you should keep on your list is a good range of motion.
Often times when you are using a winter work glove that is constructed with plenty of insulation and waterproofing, you lose a lot of dexterity and range of motion which can inhibit you from doing your job efficiently. Depending on the task at hand however, range of motion doesn’t really matter, like shoveling or trucking. In an environment where you really need dexterity, it is important that you select a cold weather work glove that is rated specifically for the temperature you’ll most often be working in. That way, you have as much warmth protection you need while maximizing dexterity and range of motion.
Hopefully you keep these features in mind when you are shopping for your next pair of winter work gloves that will last you for years.
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