Leather work gloves are still one of the more popular options when it comes to gloves today. Despite their popularity, there are a few things that you may not know about these types of work gloves. We want to take the time to equip you with some facts about leather work gloves so that next time you’re in the market for a pair, you’re ready to make an informed decision.
There are three things that leather work gloves defend against better than any other type of work glove. First is high temperatures! Before any sort of special treatment or coating, leather can withstand up to 430° F! Even under this intense heat, leather maintains its integrity without showing any signs of charring or cracking. If the leather has been tanned with chrome, however, it can stand temperatures up to 600° F. One other interesting tidbit to know is that split leather gloves have extra oils naturally, so they will resist cracks and charring even better than grain leather.
Leather work gloves can stand the test of flames and fire in amazing ways! You’ll see leather gloves suffer from shrinkage and some curling when in contact with fire, however they will not catch fire! This makes leather work gloves an excellent choice for the oil and gas industries where workers run the risk of encountering fire and flames on a regular basis.
Another little known fact about leather work gloves is that they provide wearers excellent resistance to abrasion. While all types of leather have great resistance, in testing, goat-grain leather significantly out-performs cow-grain leather. On a Taber machine, which is a machine that tests leather by putting it on a rotation over an abrasive disk, cow-grain leather made it 5,644 rotations before it wore through, while goat-grain leather made it 13,000 rotations with no wear through at all!
Hopefully now you will be more informed when you get ready to make your next leather work glove purchase!